Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Aotus: Golden Pea
All species endemic to Australia.
Species: Aotus Ericoides: Golden Pea
Location: Common and widespread. Queensland, NSW, Victoria, SA and Tasmania.
Prefers heathlands and dry sclerophyll forest
Leaves: opposite, irregular whorls. 2 cm long. 1 to 5 mm wide. Margins curved.
Flowers: yellow with red marks. Terminal clusters. Spring.
Shrub: 2m high.
Stems covered with grey hairs. Many drooping branches.
Leaves: groups of three. 1 to 2 cm long. 1 to 5 mm wide. End curved back.
Flower: yellow pea flower. Red orange band around yellow centre. Winter to spring.
Seed pod: hairy. 6 mm long. Contains two seeds.
Genus: Aotus: Golden Pea
All species endemic to Australia.
Species: Aotus Ericoides: Golden Pea
Location: Common and widespread. Queensland, NSW, Victoria, SA and Tasmania.
Prefers heathlands and dry sclerophyll forest
Leaves: opposite, irregular whorls. 2 cm long. 1 to 5 mm wide. Margins curved.
Flowers: yellow with red marks. Terminal clusters. Spring.
Shrub: 2m high.
Stems covered with grey hairs. Many drooping branches.
Leaves: groups of three. 1 to 2 cm long. 1 to 5 mm wide. End curved back.
Flower: yellow pea flower. Red orange band around yellow centre. Winter to spring.
Seed pod: hairy. 6 mm long. Contains two seeds.