Family: Ericaceae: heath
Large family with 124 genera. Cranberry, blueberry, rhododendron.
Genus: Leucopogon. Beard-heath.
150-160 species of flowering plants.
Native to Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Pacific Islands.
Name: Greek leucopogon means white beard.
Leucopogon Virgatus: Twiggy Beard Heath
Common in dry sclerophyll. Heath or woodlands.
Leaves: concave.
Height: 50 cm
Flowers: many in Spring
Large family with 124 genera. Cranberry, blueberry, rhododendron.
Genus: Leucopogon. Beard-heath.
150-160 species of flowering plants.
Native to Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Pacific Islands.
Name: Greek leucopogon means white beard.
Leucopogon Virgatus: Twiggy Beard Heath
Common in dry sclerophyll. Heath or woodlands.
Leaves: concave.
Height: 50 cm
Flowers: many in Spring