A medium-sized black and white bird native to Australia and southern New Guinea. The same species in both countries with nine sub species. There are few places in Australia without a magpie.
Its sound is very familiar. Melodious. Pleasant. Musical. Wide variety of calls. Mimic birds, dogs, horses and humans.
Black and white feathers. Normally the body is black but in Tasmania the rump is white. The male has white feathers on the back of his head. In the female they are more grey feathers. Black and white feathers. Gold brown eyes.
Spends a lot of its time on the ground. Walks. No hopping.
Omnivorous. Mostly eats invertebrates. Insects. Small animals.
Is territorial. Common on the Domain. Prefers open grasslands, fields and parks
Adapts well to humans. When breeding the male can over react to intruders. Has a reputation for swooping and attacking anybody approaching the nest. The majority of magpies do not swoop.
Nest is a bowl of stick lined with grass or bark, built by the female high in the fork of a tree. August to December.
2/5 eggs. Babies are fed by the female. Though the male if inclined will fed the female.
Its sound is very familiar. Melodious. Pleasant. Musical. Wide variety of calls. Mimic birds, dogs, horses and humans.
Black and white feathers. Normally the body is black but in Tasmania the rump is white. The male has white feathers on the back of his head. In the female they are more grey feathers. Black and white feathers. Gold brown eyes.
Spends a lot of its time on the ground. Walks. No hopping.
Omnivorous. Mostly eats invertebrates. Insects. Small animals.
Is territorial. Common on the Domain. Prefers open grasslands, fields and parks
Adapts well to humans. When breeding the male can over react to intruders. Has a reputation for swooping and attacking anybody approaching the nest. The majority of magpies do not swoop.
Nest is a bowl of stick lined with grass or bark, built by the female high in the fork of a tree. August to December.
2/5 eggs. Babies are fed by the female. Though the male if inclined will fed the female.