A honeyeater common to South-eastern Australia.
Feathers are grey; yellow patch behind the eye; white tip of tail. Yellow beak; yellow feet.
Noisy minor is noisy. Songs; alarms and constant vocalisations. Harsh single notes.
Will aggressively defend its territory from other birds.
Feeds on nectar, fruits and insects.
Normally lives in a colony.
Nests in leafy trees. Female builds the nest deep and cup shaped. From anything soft. Both adults fed the young.
Feathers are grey; yellow patch behind the eye; white tip of tail. Yellow beak; yellow feet.
Noisy minor is noisy. Songs; alarms and constant vocalisations. Harsh single notes.
Will aggressively defend its territory from other birds.
Feeds on nectar, fruits and insects.
Normally lives in a colony.
Nests in leafy trees. Female builds the nest deep and cup shaped. From anything soft. Both adults fed the young.