A list of plants that have been seen on or near the Domain.
My aim is to identify a plant and then find a story behind the plant.
Aira caryophyllea Silvery Hairgrass
Avena barbata Bearded Oat
Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernalgrass
Arthropodium Strictum chocolate lily
Acaena novae-zelandiae Common buzzy
Argentipallium dealbatum White everlasting
Austrostipa bigeniculata Double-jointed spear grass.
Austrostipa nodosa Knotty spear grass.
Brachyscome perpusilla Tiny daisy
Brachyscome sieberi var gunnii Forest daisy.
Bolboschoenus caldwellii Sea Clubsedge
Bulbine glauca Rock Lily
Bromus diandrus Great Brome
Briza maxima Greater Quaking-grass
Briza minor Lesser Quaking-grass
Bauera rubioides Wiry bauera
Callistemon pallidus Lemon bottlebrush
Correa lawrenceana var. lawrenceana Mountain correa
Calocephalus brownie
Comesperma volubile Blue Love Creeper
Carex gunniana Mountain sedge.
Carex longebrachiata Drooping sedge
Cynoglossum austral Southern houndstongue.
Dactylis glomerata Cocksfoot
Dichelachne inaequiglumis Loose Plumegrass
Eryngium ovinum Blue devil
Gaultheria hispida Snowberry
Hakea lissosperma Mountain needlebush
Hyalosperma demissum
Hydrocotyle laxiflora Stinking pennywort
Isoetopsis graminifolia Grass cushions.
Isotoma fluviatilis
Lepidium pseudotasmanicum Shade peppercress.
Lepidium hyssopifolium Basalt peppercress
Parsonsia brownii Twining silkpod
Piptatherum miliaceum Rice millet
Podolepis jaceoides Showy copperwire daisy
Senecio squarrosus Leafy fireweed
Senecio linearifolius Fireweed
Scleranthus fasciculatus Spreading knawel.
Typha latifolia,
Typha domingensis
Vittadinia muelleri New Holland daisy
Vittadinia gracilis Woolly new holland daisy
Wurmbea dioica Early Nancy
My aim is to identify a plant and then find a story behind the plant.
Aira caryophyllea Silvery Hairgrass
Avena barbata Bearded Oat
Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernalgrass
Arthropodium Strictum chocolate lily
Acaena novae-zelandiae Common buzzy
Argentipallium dealbatum White everlasting
Austrostipa bigeniculata Double-jointed spear grass.
Austrostipa nodosa Knotty spear grass.
Brachyscome perpusilla Tiny daisy
Brachyscome sieberi var gunnii Forest daisy.
Bolboschoenus caldwellii Sea Clubsedge
Bulbine glauca Rock Lily
Bromus diandrus Great Brome
Briza maxima Greater Quaking-grass
Briza minor Lesser Quaking-grass
Bauera rubioides Wiry bauera
Callistemon pallidus Lemon bottlebrush
Correa lawrenceana var. lawrenceana Mountain correa
Calocephalus brownie
Comesperma volubile Blue Love Creeper
Carex gunniana Mountain sedge.
Carex longebrachiata Drooping sedge
Cynoglossum austral Southern houndstongue.
Dactylis glomerata Cocksfoot
Dichelachne inaequiglumis Loose Plumegrass
Eryngium ovinum Blue devil
Gaultheria hispida Snowberry
Hakea lissosperma Mountain needlebush
Hyalosperma demissum
Hydrocotyle laxiflora Stinking pennywort
Isoetopsis graminifolia Grass cushions.
Isotoma fluviatilis
Lepidium pseudotasmanicum Shade peppercress.
Lepidium hyssopifolium Basalt peppercress
Parsonsia brownii Twining silkpod
Piptatherum miliaceum Rice millet
Podolepis jaceoides Showy copperwire daisy
Senecio squarrosus Leafy fireweed
Senecio linearifolius Fireweed
Scleranthus fasciculatus Spreading knawel.
Typha latifolia,
Typha domingensis
Vittadinia muelleri New Holland daisy
Vittadinia gracilis Woolly new holland daisy
Wurmbea dioica Early Nancy