Endemic to Tasmania and the nearby islands in Bass Strait. Common in highland areas. Seen on the domain in winter. Generally found at higher altitudes.
Black except for tip of tail and patch of white in wing.
Noisy with a loud call perhaps noisier when it is about to rain. Occur if flocks often making a uniform noise.
Male and female look the same.
When feeding it grabs whatever is available. Lizards, mice, invertebrates, berries, fruit. Will snatch food from a human hand.
Omnivorous including berries, invertebrates and small vertebrates.
Nest is a large mash of sticks high in a tree. August to December.
Eggs 2/4. Both parents feed the chicks.
Black except for tip of tail and patch of white in wing.
Noisy with a loud call perhaps noisier when it is about to rain. Occur if flocks often making a uniform noise.
Male and female look the same.
When feeding it grabs whatever is available. Lizards, mice, invertebrates, berries, fruit. Will snatch food from a human hand.
Omnivorous including berries, invertebrates and small vertebrates.
Nest is a large mash of sticks high in a tree. August to December.
Eggs 2/4. Both parents feed the chicks.