Eastern ringtailed possum is a subspecies of Common ringtailed possum.
Common and widespread in Tasmania.
Size: body 30cm long. /Tail 30cm long. Grey/black fur with a pale belly. White patches above the eyes. Tail has white tip.
Tail acts as a fifth limb. Very active and often used. Normally tightly curled when not active. Tail normally a lighter color.
Feeds on leaves and flowers fruit sap of native and introduced plants. Difference from brush tail possum is eats more eucalyptus leaves and strongly arboreal. Seldom on the ground.
Also eats its own faeces in order to extract more nutrients from the food.
Makes a nest in the canopy from bark and grass. Not in buildings. Often a communal nest.
Females give birth to two young from April to November. After four months in the pouch the young ride on mum’s back.
Well adapted to living with humans.
Common and widespread in Tasmania.
Size: body 30cm long. /Tail 30cm long. Grey/black fur with a pale belly. White patches above the eyes. Tail has white tip.
Tail acts as a fifth limb. Very active and often used. Normally tightly curled when not active. Tail normally a lighter color.
Feeds on leaves and flowers fruit sap of native and introduced plants. Difference from brush tail possum is eats more eucalyptus leaves and strongly arboreal. Seldom on the ground.
Also eats its own faeces in order to extract more nutrients from the food.
Makes a nest in the canopy from bark and grass. Not in buildings. Often a communal nest.
Females give birth to two young from April to November. After four months in the pouch the young ride on mum’s back.
Well adapted to living with humans.