Family: Proteaceae
Genus: Hakea.
150 species of Hakea.
All species endemic to Australia. Species found in all states.
Flowers: clusters.
Fruit: woody. The sepals and petals form a tube which splits open. A style longer than the tepal tube.
Leaves: flat or needle like.
Fruit: woody. Fire or death leads to fruit opening and releasing winged seeds.
Hakea Teretifolia: Dagger Hakea
A reasonably common shrub that grows in coastal heaths and sometimes in other sandy heaths.
Distribution: NSW, Victoria, SA and Tasmania.
The dagger-shaped fruit is distinctive.
Genus: Hakea.
150 species of Hakea.
All species endemic to Australia. Species found in all states.
Flowers: clusters.
Fruit: woody. The sepals and petals form a tube which splits open. A style longer than the tepal tube.
Leaves: flat or needle like.
Fruit: woody. Fire or death leads to fruit opening and releasing winged seeds.
Hakea Teretifolia: Dagger Hakea
A reasonably common shrub that grows in coastal heaths and sometimes in other sandy heaths.
Distribution: NSW, Victoria, SA and Tasmania.
The dagger-shaped fruit is distinctive.