Distinguishing feature is black head and throat. Green feathers on top and white below. A small black bill.
An endemic bird. Only found in Tasmania and Bass St Islands.
Occurs in all native vegetation, orchards and urban areas. Wet and dry forests.
Main diet is insects. Also eats nectar. Feeds on insects in the canopy. Often hangs upside down from branches. Forages amongst the leaves not the bark.
Nest in large loose colonies. Nest is bark, grass and moss.
2/3 spotted pink eggs.
Mates for life. Both sexes build the nest, incubate and feed the young.
An endemic bird. Only found in Tasmania and Bass St Islands.
Occurs in all native vegetation, orchards and urban areas. Wet and dry forests.
Main diet is insects. Also eats nectar. Feeds on insects in the canopy. Often hangs upside down from branches. Forages amongst the leaves not the bark.
Nest in large loose colonies. Nest is bark, grass and moss.
2/3 spotted pink eggs.
Mates for life. Both sexes build the nest, incubate and feed the young.