Family: Campanulaceae
A family of 84 genera, 2400 species of herbs, shrubs and small trees.
All continents except Antarctica. Common on Pacific Islands with Hawaii being very rich.
Genus: Wahlenbergia
Contains 260 species of herbs. Blue/purple flowers.
Species: Wahlenbergia Gymnoclada: Naked Bluebell
Roots: Taproot with spreading rhizomes.
Stem: 60 cm high. Leaves in bottom half.
Flowers: 1,2 or 3 at the end of stems. Five blue sepals. Five petals that are joined to from a tube with five lobes. Five stamens joined together.
Leaves: Opposite. 1 to 5 cm long. 1 to 3 mm wide. Thick margins.
Distribution: NSW, Victoria, SA and Tasmania.
A family of 84 genera, 2400 species of herbs, shrubs and small trees.
All continents except Antarctica. Common on Pacific Islands with Hawaii being very rich.
Genus: Wahlenbergia
Contains 260 species of herbs. Blue/purple flowers.
Species: Wahlenbergia Gymnoclada: Naked Bluebell
Roots: Taproot with spreading rhizomes.
Stem: 60 cm high. Leaves in bottom half.
Flowers: 1,2 or 3 at the end of stems. Five blue sepals. Five petals that are joined to from a tube with five lobes. Five stamens joined together.
Leaves: Opposite. 1 to 5 cm long. 1 to 3 mm wide. Thick margins.
Distribution: NSW, Victoria, SA and Tasmania.